User Acquisition for Paid Membership Content

Along the lines of thinking like a marketer mentioned in software leadership

What are the barriers to subscribing?

  • Knowledge (i.e. maybe people aren't advanced enough in these skills to pay for a membership)
  • Don't think there is enough relevant content (possible solution: use AI for content discovery, tag with skill level or time to completion)
    • e.g. this is a beginner article, the project can be completed in 4 hours, etc.
  • Feel that info is available elsewhere without the premium price tag

UX - is this an area for improvement that would help drive new members?

Site speed is a ranking factor on desktop and mobile -

What is the rate of attrition for people who don't re-subscribe?

  • Is there reporting to identify at-risk members to approve retention?
  • How can you make sure someone gets the most out of their membership?

Can we enhance the member experience?

  • Gamify (top commenter, most saved articles, earn badges for certain membership milestones)
  • Networking

Analyze comments with AI for overall picture of brand health

How does conversion rate differ on mobile vs. desktop vs. other social channels? How do these convert compared to a responsive website?